We want to redirect users from our Shopify store to our Webflow site. This is a common use case when you want to use Webflow for your website and Shopify for the backend. We want to make sure that when users click on any link on the Google or Facebook product catalog, they are redirected to our Webflow site.

Redirect Setup

Add this code to your Shopify theme.liquid file. This will redirect all the users to your Webflow site.

<script defer src="https://cdn.uselooop.com/scripts/redirect.js" domain="YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN"></script>

Replace YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN with your front end domain. For example, if your webflow domain is example.com, then replace YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN with example.com.

Sucessfull Checkout Redirect

We also want to record when a customer checkout was successful. We will add the code snippet below in the Additional scripts section of the Shopify checkout settings.


Go to your Shopify admin.


Click on the Settings button on the bottom left.


Click on the Checkout tab.


Scroll down to the Additional scripts section.


<script defer src="https://cdn.uselooop.com/scripts/checkout-redirect.js" domain="YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN" page="YOUR_PAGE_NAME"></script>

Replace YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN with your webflow domain. For example, if your webflow domain is example.com, then replace YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN with example.com. Also, we recoomend to have an empty page in site with the name checkout and replace YOUR_PAGE_NAME with checkout.