Orders List
This element is used by Looop to render the list of all orders placed by the customer.
Orders List Wrapper
Add a empty div block on your page.
Orders List Wrapper - Attributes
Add following attribute to the div block:
Order Item Template
Add a div block inside the order-list
. The div will be used as a template to each individial order.
Order Item Template - Attributes
Add following attribute to the div block:
Order Item Template - Sub-elements
Use avilable sub-elements to design the order item.
Avilable Sub-elements
Order number
This is a text block that will display the order number.
Order fullfilment status
This is a text block that will display the fullfilment status of the order.
Order payment status
This is a text block that will display the payment status of the order.
Order page link
This attribute should be added to a button/link block. When clicked, it will redirect the user to the order page.
Order tracking number
This is a text block that will display the tracking number of the order.
Carrier tracking link
This attribute should be added to a button/link block. When clicked, it will redirect the user to the carrier tracking page.
Order date
This is a text block that will display the date of the order.
Order total
This is a text block that will display the total amount of the order.
Order shopify account link
This attribute should be added to a button/link block. When clicked, it will redirect the user to the Shopify account page, where they can manage subscriptions.
Order list should be only accessible to logged in users. Use customer variables to add conditional visibility to the order list.
Order Status Bagdes
You can use custom code embed to change the color of order and payment status badges.
The code above will add color to the order and payment status badges. It is using combo classes to change the color of the badges. You can change the color of the badges by changing the combo classes in the code.